Ultimate Number Puzzle

This is one of Max's recent Scratch programs -- July 2013.


RoboSoc Screenshot

RoboSoc is a game Dad wrote for a programming class in December 2004. Max provided design input and was the lead beta tester.

The program requires Windows and MS DirectX9. RoboSoc itself doesn't need to be installed--just unzip RoboSoc.zip and run robosoc.exe. The zip file is 3.03 MB.

Max's Alphabet Program

Alphabet Program Screenshot

Dad wrote Max's alphabet program for Max in 2000, when Max was a keyboard-banger. MaxSetup.zip is 2.71 MB. When unzipped, it will create a directory called MaxSetup. To install Max's Alphabet Program, open that directory and run SETUP.EXE. Setup will add Max's Alphabet Program to the Programs list under your Start Menu.
